For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods. Psalm 96:4 (ESV) Continue reading
Author Archives: Steve Pruitt

Eternal Purpose
“God is working out his eternal purpose not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but by means of them.”
A.W. Pink
Full of Hell
“You must either praise God or be miserable. You do have a choice: you must either worship the God who made you, or else you must be wretched. . . . but your wretchedness begins within yourself, for to be unable to praise is to be full of hell.”
Charles Spurgeon
Another World
“Let the mantle of worldly enjoyments hang loose about you, that it may be easily dropped when death comes to carry you into another world.”
Thomas Boston
Our Confession
Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. Hebrews 3:1-2 (ESV) Continue reading
The Speaking Blood
But you have come to Mount Zion . . . and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12:22, 24 (ESV) Continue reading
Moral Monstrosity
“People become angry at the mention of God’s wrath. But a God without wrath would be a moral monstrosity; a God who is not furious against evil is not a worthy God–and there is no greater evil than to reject God’s holy Son.”
Richard Phillips
Too High
“We can never make too much of Christ. . . . We can never have too high thoughts about Christ, can never love Him too much, trust Him too implicitly, lay too much weight upon Him, and speak too highly in His praise. He is worthy of all the honour that we can give Him. He will be all in heaven. Let us see to it, that He is all in our hearts on earth.”
J.C. Ryle