“The world as a whole and in all its parts and movements and changes was brought into a unity by the governing, all-pervading, all-harmonizing activity of the divine will, and its purpose was to manifest the divine glory.”

Loraine Boettner

Written by Steve Pruitt

In all the darkest times of life
When your world seems to crumble
There’s one whose hand is firm to hold
And keeps you when you stumble

The sovereign God is still at work
His plans will never alter
He always has your best at heart
His love will never falter

Psalms 37:24, 145:14; Philippians 2:13; Romans 8:28, 39; 2 Thessalonians 3:3

“In the infinite wisdom of the Lord of all the earth, each event falls with exact precision into its proper place in this unfolding of His eternal plan; nothing, however small, however strange, occurs without His ordering, or without its peculiar fitness for its place in the working out of His purposes; and the end of all shall be the manifestation of His glory, and accumulation of His praise.”

B.B. Warfield