“People become angry at the mention of God’s wrath. But a God without wrath would be a moral monstrosity; a God who is not furious against evil is not a worthy God–and there is no greater evil than to reject God’s holy Son.”

Richard Phillips

“We can never make too much of Christ. . . . We can never have too high thoughts about Christ, can never love Him too much, trust Him too implicitly, lay too much weight upon Him, and speak too highly in His praise. He is worthy of all the honour that we can give Him. He will be all in heaven. Let us see to it, that He is all in our hearts on earth.”

J.C. Ryle

“Christians, you know your affairs below have not been steered and managed by your own wisdom, but that orders have been given from heaven for your security and supply from day to day. ‘I know, O Lord’, says the prophet, ‘that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps’ (Jeremiah 10:23).”

John Flavel

“When we think of an atrocity we think of the Holocaust, slavery and other atrocious acts against humanity. Since God is the supreme, infinite worth of the universe, how much more atrocious is our sin against him than the sins committed against humanity. “

Steve Pruitt