“Ultimate satisfaction is not in a lover, a landscape, or a livelihood; although they may rightly please us, they will pass. That which is eternal and on which the soul must rest is “higher up” and “further back” . . . than those things we presently relish, and it can be provided only by the One who is able to do more than we would ask or even think.”

Bryan Chapell

“We are too dead to be the source of our salvation; we are too weak to be the maintainers of our salvation; we are too finite to be the eternal stewards of our salvation. The magnitude and magnificence of what our salvation involves indicate that it must be entirely a gift of God’s grace.”

Bryan Chapell

“When God has a rod in his hand, a godly man will have a psalm in his mouth. The devil’s smiting of Job was like striking a musical instrument; he sounded forth praise. . . . When God’s spiritual plants are cut and bleed, they drop thankfulness; the saints’ tears cannot drown their praises.”

Thomas Watson