“A lot of hymns writers who should have been cutting the grass at the time have written songs instead.”
A.W. Tozer
“A lot of hymns writers who should have been cutting the grass at the time have written songs instead.”
A.W. Tozer
“The motion of our praise must be like the motion of our pulse, which beats as long as life lasts.”
Thomas Watson
“We cannot pray in love and live in hate and still think that we are worshiping God.”
A.W. Tozer
“To pretend to homage to God, and intend only the advantage of self, is rather to mock him than worship him.”
Stephen Charnock
“Show me where you spend your time, money and energy and I’ll tell you what you worship.”
John Wimber
“Without the heart it’s not worship, it’s a stage play.”
Stephen Charnock
“We need to discover all over again that worship is natural to the Christian, as it was to the godly Israelites who wrote the psalms, and that the habit of celebrating the greatness and graciousness of God yields an endless flow of thankfulness, joy, and zeal.”
J.I. Packer
“Believers will receive nothing, practice nothing, recognize nothing, in the worship of Christ but only that which he has appointed. God never allowed the will of the creature to decide how best to worship God.”
John Owen