Song lyrics written by Steve Pruitt. Vocals and arrangements generated by Suno AI.
Lyrics copyright © 2025 Steve Pruitt. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Be Glorified
The earth is full of your glory, oh God
The heavens show your handiwork
The seas and all that is within them give you praise
All creation shows your worth
Be glorified, be glorified
As we proclaim the wonders of your name
Be glorified
You, oh Lord, are high above the heavens
You are exalted far above the earth
I Will Worship You
You are Lord of all the earth
You are God of all creation
You are my rock, you are my hiding place
You are my song and my salvation
I will worship, I will worship you
I will worship, I will worship you
I will fall on my knees to declare you are Lord
I will worship, I will worship you
You are my hope, you are my peace
You are the reason I live
We Come Into This Place
You are the reason we come here
Your presence fills our hearts desire
Inhabit the praises of your people
Dwell here and manifest your power
We come into this place to praise the name of Jesus
We come into this place to lift your name on high
Your name alone is high above all others
We love you and bless you with our praise
Forever I Will Praise You
You became the ransom, Lord, you became the price
To redeem to the Father by your blood
You came the sacrifice to set this captive free
I will praise you, Lord, for all eternity
Forever I will praise you
Forever I will love you
Forever I will worship you, my Lord
Forever I will bless you
Forever I will serve you
Forever I will worship you, my Lord
It’s Only You
One thing I have desired
One thing I will seek
To dwell in your house forever, Lord
To behold your beauty
To behold your beauty
Cause it’s only you who fills my hearts desires
It’s only you who fills my hunger pains
It’s only you my passion and my thirst requires
It’s only you, only you, only you
I want to behold your beauty
I want to behold your beauty
Holy, Holy, Holy
You are worthy to take the scroll
And open up its seals
We are purchased by your blood
Created by your will
Now your people worship you
With heaven we proclaim, we proclaim
Holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was, who is and who is come
From every tribe and every tongue
You made us priests and kings
For you are the worthy lamb
Of which all heaven sings
Now your people worship you
With heaven we proclaim, we proclaim
Lead Me to the Rock
Lyrics (Adapted from Psalm 61)
Hear my cry, O God, attend unto my prayer
From the ends of the earth I cry to you
As my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock
That is higher than I
Lead me to the rock. Lead me to the rock
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
Lead me to the rock. Lead me to the rock
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I
That is higher than I
Let me dwell in your house forever, Lord
Take refuge under your shelter
To sing praise to your name forever, Lord
And daily perform my vows with joy